PLENUM - synopsis

Act Zero:
Prelude, pre-scene, hors scene. 7'40"

[musical annotations: R.W. Fassbinder's In a Year of 13 Moons,
Suicide's "Frankie Teardrop"]

Act 1: Gathering of the tribes
1:30 (7pm - 8:30pm)

Act 1: Substance.
[larger groupings, meta data flagging groups and individuals.
The song: "I am one, i am a neuron". neural switching model.]

At the townhall- 8 groups are formed around 8 microphones, a working station with PD-ers (pure data), a long table with food and drinks, a punch bag and a microphone centrally placed, two notetakers with a shared microphone, an MC guides the proceedings for the ACTS.

The groups consist either existing media/cultural collectives or groups formed for the night. Each group is asked to discuss among themselves an Agenda for media/net culture today to be presented in ACT 2. Each group's verbal exchanges are picked up by a microphone, fed into a PD patch and selectively amplified into the whole room.

Interlude 1: Patch with the patchers
1:30 (8:30 - 10:00)

Act 2: What's on the table?
2:00 (10:00 - 00:00)

Act 2: Alice: Coded rabbit holes. Spoken word and speech synthesis
[ The script is interrogated and opened up to ridicule.
The code is full of (rabbit) holes and sample transformations.]

8 groups each present their agenda. Decision on 3 final Agenda to be made by consensual decision making. Individuals can also present own agenda, make interventions. A round table is formed. Groups can be faltering.

The sound patch works to accompany, give accent to or mute the speeches of participants.

--- I N T E R M I S S I O N ---
1:00 (00:00 - 01:00 )
THE LOST HOUR for transition to summer time

Act 3: Trade for power
1:30 (1:00 - 2:30)

Act 3: Jekyll and Hyde
[Jekyll software modules should dominate the room.
Time slicing and distance.
Multiple versions of the same software are showcased]

Make a Ring: two participants who appear to have strongly opposing views enter a one-to-one debating duel.

The sound patch works to accompany, give accent to or mute the speeches of participants.

Interlude 2: Ascend to the Throne
1:00 (2:30- 3:30)

Act 4: The Emperor's new clothes
2:00 (3:30 - 5:30)

Act 4: H bomb simulation/audience simulation catastrophe.
[Simulation is made evident throughnoise and spatialization. The audience is in the patch/code.]

A 30 minutes sound act commences Act 4.

Vote for a PLENUM spokesperson that can best represent proposed Agenda Recycle the process of voting a leader in and out of power.

Possible outcome for ACT 4, a spokesperson appointed or no spokesperson to speak of.

Act 5 : Walk the dog
1:30 (5:30 - 7:00)

Act 5 Pink light
[The Thames walk.
A code graveyard. The repository is symbolically drained.]

Post match analysis, narratives unentanglement.
At 6:50, the sun rises. A walk out.

EPILOGUE ; walk at River Thames.